It’s been over a month since departing Greeley and I am still pretty pissed off that DeWitt and the Alumni Office gauges the desire to help an alum by his supposed intention of a donation. Of course, it’s been pointed out to me over and over again by folks who are more practical than I, that this guy’s job is to wring all the dough that he can out of alumni in the name of Alma Mater. I wonder how much he’s donated to UNC since his graduation in ’77? Anyone?
The ReIncairnation Project went up and came down, I understand fairly quickly.
Can’t remember if I reported this, but it was 462 individual 2 x 6 x 1 1/2 inch wooden blocks, stacked in seven block tiers to a height of 99 inches. It weighed about 700 pounds and was valued at $5,000.00. It took about three hours to construct.
I wonder if the UNC Police just dumped it into that big old dumpster next to the entrance to Frasier Hall?
My whole point with an attempt at Tradition with the ReinCairnation, I think, was just too obscure for the powers that be at UNC to understand. Kay Norton remained and remains silent. My take is that she doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about tradition from her ivory tower. She’s got her hands full trying to get enrollment up and maybe even care enough to field the obvious ennui that is growing in the faculty and the student body. Ennui is, like depression, a silent killer. We go along and feel crappy about where we are, but must trudge through the muck to make a living or get a degree and just hope the whole thing’s over soon. I especially pity the faculty. Each teacher might be interested in actually teaching and caring about the kids, but always looking over his shoulder in fear of being disciplined for some slight. I suspect that Academic Freedom is a joke on the UNC campus. The spirit that is necessary for a living breathing center for education is just missing in Greeley. The feeling of this is palpable on the campus. At least to me.
I may be repeating myself. Not having made an entry for weeks and making an attempt to stop stewing over the ignorance of a few, I’m just hoping that my anecdotal take on things may just be wrong.
And, I may have lost my lucky crescent wrench in the UC on 4/25!! Sheesh. Well, it wasn’t really ‘lucky’ but I’ve had it a long time and liked it a lot. Anyone seen it? It has my name on it.
Here’s what the final installation looked like. The bear turned out hard to see. My experiments made me think it would ‘pop’ a little better. If you spent some time with it, I’m sure you could see the image of Totem Teddy, though. But, as TP, the former wag here pointed out, students just have too much to do that precludes taking time to figure out abstract art!! Right!
This blog will fade. I know that there are few who are interested or care. To the one guy who might have my wrench.. please hang on to it. It’s a good one. It's the traditional installing/ dismantling of the Ghost Memory Totem now and forever crescent wrench.