Sunday, March 23, 2008

Chapter one, page one


This blog is dedicated to an old friend. I first met him when I was five. Had another encounter fifteen years later and then.. reunited forty years after that. It's a long time connection. He was known as Totem Teddy. A silly name for a very important Bear.

If you are a student or otherwise connected to the Universty of Northern Colorado, this blog is especially for you.

I'm the guy who installed the embossed paper artwork called the Ghost Memory Totem in the University Center at UNC. It's been up for almost three years and as I'd planned, it's now falling victim to gravity and time. My art work, much of it.. is ephemeral. I would like it if my work was remembered, but it's not important to me that the physical artwork be retained. I'll disassemble this piece the last week in April, 2008.

I've proposed an idea for a temporary artwork to replace the current totem in the UC while a committee works out a plan for a permanent totem. I am learning that some people involved in UNC politics (read administration and staff) think that contemporary art may be too difficult for students and others to appreciate or understand. My theory is that difficult things help us to grow.

My idea for a new temporary totem is so simple and egalitarian that it is my hope that regardless of the powers that be in UNC politics, that we'll be able to create the artwork and make the point that even a small conservative community like Greeley can participate and enjoy the wonderfulness of what may become a new tradition.

It's my goal to see if there may truly be some student interest. You, the students, after all, are the people I hope to communicate with. If you're a student and have an opinion, I want to hear from you. This is a free forum.

Freedom, actually, is what this is all about. In time I'll reveal the interesting communications I've recently received judging my value to my alma mater.. your university.. and then, to enlist you to participate in the art that I plan to donate to UNC.

My goal is to include as many students in this project as possible. There will be no fee. It's for you! I would like to revive an interest in the heritage of UNC and hopefully, establish a tradition that may be appreciated by students in Greeley for years to come.

The only way to really appreciate tradition, of course, is from a distance. The distance of time and space. I miss Greeley every day. The days I spent from kindergarden through college there, so very special to me then, are more special to me now, from a distance.. Your opportunity to create memories that will stay with you forever is here.

So.. spread the word.. Totemteddylives.blogspot.com is open for your questions and ideas. Welcome, Bears!

1 comment:

Shawn said...

As a current senior at UNC, I definitely appreciate your efforts to revive the memory of Totem Teddy at UNC. I've done quite a bit of research on his role in the life of the campus, and I "miss" him, even though I never met him. Every interview I've conducted points to Totem Teddy as a highlight of a student's time on campus, and all mentioned that he unified campus. We need that unity now more than ever.

In regard to your artwork, I understand that you are frustrated with the administration's resistance to your plans for an abstract representation of Totem Teddy. I can say with all honesty that it is not just administration. We students (at least those of us who know Totem Teddy) also desire a tribute to him, but we want something that is obviously Totem Teddy. I've met a few alumni who have seen the Ghost Totem, and they are saddened by what they see as a poor attempt at a paper mâché replica.

More importantly, however, I would like to see something, anything in tribute to Totem Teddy. This university has a sad track record of destroying its past and having no time for memory. I applaud your efforts to raise awareness of one of the most important symbols in UNC history.

P.S. Happy belated Founders Day!