Saturday, April 12, 2008

Big Step

The deal is..

that not knowing whether or not the university will cooperate in this cairn idea is a little frustrating. So I just forge ahead and prepare. Today was a Big Step and pretty wonderful. A good friend, a producer with whom I've worked over the years, Robert Roll, has computer equipment superior to mine. He volunteered to honcho a job that I was going to have to pay big bucks for at Kinko's and I took him up on his offer. We spent a better half of this afternoon tiling the image of the Original Bear onto some really nice paper that I'll adhere to the cairn blocks tomorrow. It's pretty labor intensive, this project.

I have to smile because as a concept artist, I have to realize that the art.. the 'so called art?' is mostly in me.. I have the idea.. I work to make it manifest, but regardless of the outcome physically, the important part is done.. The Idea. Of course, this may be like the bear in the forest.. or is it the tree falling? hmmm anyway. I'll post a photo of the Original Bear that will adorn the Cairn Totem.. or should we call it the Bear Cairn? And, will be happy to see what it looks like ten feet in the air.

Having a tough time with this bear image.. stand by..

Stay in touch.

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