April 25, 2008
Met with Emily Carlton, Maggie Wright and Shawn Brackett today at the UC. Jay Dinges appeared with the lift and made sure that I understood that we had to be out of there soon. The kids decided to make a book of the paper totem, so we cut it into about 32 pieces which I’ll assemble into a book, using the wood from the hoop the bear hung in to bind it.
Chris Casey from the Tribune appeared with Jim, his photographer to do a story. Christina from The Mirror appeared later. Each of the students was charming and articulate and bright. We cut up the paper totem, then hauled the matrix outside. Dinges made it clear that if it was not removed from the UC by the end of the day, his crew would just smash it to bits. He was civil and helpful. But, obviously the art was not welcome in his UC. Ronna Sanchez never appeared. Theresa, one of the staff, was very nice.
I met some terrific kids on the way from the UC with the matrix. A beautiful girl..a quad.. let me guide her hand to sign the matrix. She was a pure spirit.. amazing.. Philip a tech major was effusive and fun to chat with. A girl who just loved God and liked to help other people helped me briefly in front of Snyder Hall. The fountain there is long gone.
All together, with the snardly attitude from Dinges and the fear of them destroying the matrix notwithstanding.. I’ve had a heck of a day.
Here’s to you, old Totem Ted.. Long may you wave.
So impressive and interesting that the Totem Teddy Ghost stayed in place for so long at the UC, and yet so few were involved in the dissolution (preservation). Guess it was truly a Ghost, the significance of which only a few discerned.
Sheehan is crazy, but that's exactly what makes him worthwhile. He has passion and sees a cause where so many of us are blind. And he doesn't give up, even when faced with rock solid apathy.
Just for that, every educated alum and current student should applaud him.
When is the last time you did something against these kinds of odds.....and believed in your cause (art) so firmly that you made your way, year after year, through so much indifference?
And in spite of it, you did make a difference to a few....who will make a difference to a few....who will make a difference to a few....who will make a difference to a few...
Those few add up over time
That is the lesson.
Congratulations Michael Sheehan. You are true to your passion. You inspire.
Posted as 'anonymous'....
Ha, that’s weak ownership of a tirade about standing up for passion.
Allow me to correct
I'm not anonymous
I am Jeanette Crooks, UNC alum.
I admire Michael Sheehan...
and Emily Carlton, Maggie Wright and Shawn Brackett.
Impressive you guys!
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