Forty years ago today, the Berrigan Brothers and seven colleagues made a statement about the Viet Nam War. Backed by thousands of Catholics and others who rallied to their call to Stop The War, these dedicated human beings performed an act of conscience. They destroyed Draft Records in Catonsville, Maryland.
I certainly cannot claim to have the dedication that these people had, but in a way, my passion for the Bear Totem runs at least a parallel course. If people in power don't support the traditions of my alma mater and the students simply have not been exposed to what traditions mean, then, I may be a voice in the wilderness, but, at least, I am a voice.
That VOR and TP basically come down shy of really much caring about tradition is probably representative of not only UNC, but Greeley and maybe even Colorado as a whole. This is a harsh judgment and if there are those who may care, even a little bit, then my apologies to you. If you do care, even a little bit, what would it take to awaken those who may be close to you? What would it take for you to speak up and establish little clots of people who, simply by their meeting together, might begin to create that 'heart' of UNC of which I've spoken?
It doesn't matter if it's a ceremony at the big bronze bear to tie ribbons round his snout or create a great big bear hug for a photo opportunity.
Why do I care? As my experiences in Greeley take on some perspective, I honestly don't know. I'm sure that TP and VOR and their kind would be happy if I just shut up. That the administration of UNC remains silent is typical, isn't it?
For what it's worth, I called the CCTHITA and if they have been in touch with anyone at UNC regarding any of this totem business, they didn't say so. Thus, the reports that the Tlingit may have any interest in my artwork seem unlikely.
In the spirit of the Catonsville Nine, I encourage each of you who may have an inkling of spirit for UNC tradition to simply say so. If you don't carry at least a candle, if not a torch, who will?
Well, that ended any conversation. Because my idea of tradition don't align with your's, I don't care? It's no wonder the University has rejected your attempts. Talk about pettiness.
Good day, Sir.
What is it that so makes things black and white? Who cares if my ideas about tradition align with yours? If you choose to bail on a discussion, then there's not much I can do about that.
Do you think that I'm trying to draw someone in to MY idea of tradition? I've been impressed with your comments, especially because you seemed into reviving the idea of a handbook that chronicles the history of our alma mater. Because I write something that you don't like, you just bail out?
I'm petty? I'll cop to being petty or any other epithet that you want to hurl at me if you'll be the one who may be involved enough to speak up locally. Make your ideas about Tradition known to anyone in Greeley or anywhere who will listen.
Tear down my artwork and make an example of how awful you think it is. Do something! But to just dismiss yourself for some imagined slight seems like a cop out.
You tell me what makes you upset and if I've misspoken, please let me know what I you felt dismissed by and I'll apologize if I can. All I want is a dialogue with alumni, students and locals... anyone who may have an iota of care in them. I welcome debate.
Frankly, the administration of UNC is to me, a sad situation. It sounded like the reason they were not into working with me was because they don't perceive me as a potential big time financial donor to the university. If it's petty of me to be insulted by Jerrold DeWitt's comments, who by his own admission knows nothing of me and never followed through with his promise to call me on the telephone or respond to my emails, then I may be petty. I'll get over it.
So. You can be as upset with me as you like. I've made all kinds of suggestions that I'd hope would get students to work together to gather an appreciation for a tradition I've enjoyed personally for over sixty years.
So. I hope that you'll continue with your ideas. They are welcome here. Who knows how many UNC students and alumni may be following this? You may know some of them. My ideas are just ideas. If they upset you, I am truly sorry. Fact is that we are not at odds. You, tp, are anonymous and if you are a loyal alumnus, you may emerge one of these days to other alumni or students with whom you may align, totally against my ideas.. but if you are working towards keeping some semblance of the Bear Totem alive, then ... more power to you.
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