Totem Teddy may, indeed, still live!!
A few days ago, I got a very nice call from Mike Johnson, the now VP of Alumni Affairs for the UNC Foundation. Mike had been very helpful in 2005 when I installed the Ghost Memory Totem in the University Center in Greeley.
As I've mentioned here, Jerrold DeWitt, the former VP of Alumni Affairs, denied me access to the campus and effectively prevented the installation of my artwork in 2008. With his departure, I was fortunate to receive an official apology from Virgil Scott, president of the UNC Foundation, last August. He has now left his post at the Foundation, leaving an opening. So... if you know fund raisers / administrators who may be effective for working with the Foundation, have them contact the Judy Farr Center and help them out!
Mike Johnson is a cordial and concerned guy. I liked him when I met him. I was impressed that he took time to call and have an actual chat about Tradition at UNC. I've pledged to help.
Whether or not we get much activity here may be telling. School Spirit at my alma mater has been marginal. Rousing the students and alumni to support the idea of alma mater is the goal. All I have to offer is my time and energy. Hopefully, I'll be able to offer an installation that will at least bring attention to Totem Teddy and, if fortunate, get dialogue happening to promote art and respect for the past at the University of Northern Colorado.
Finally, one of the inspirations for my artwork, Jeanne-Claude, passed away recently. She and Christo have made works of art that have inspired millions and changed the hearts of some who have, at first, opposed their works of art. Currently, there is what may be characterized as a smear campaign to defame the Over The River Project for the Arkansas River between Salida and Canon City, Colorado. I encourage all Colorado residents to inform themselves about the Project and support it any way you can.
Please stop by this blog from time to time and leave comments: pro or con.. regarding the importance of Heritage and Tradition at UNC, as well as ideas for Totem Teddy.
Today is Winter Solstice. Celebrate the Light. The Season.. your own traditions..
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